Real Estate X Tech to Open Up a New Market.

We, the Loadstar Group, have developed real estate investment business using technology, with our mission, "Real Estate x Tech to Open Up a New Market.”  


We had strengthened the fundamentals of our business by leveraging our knowledge, experiences, and networks gained through our work in the real estate investment business. While doing so, we were also focused on Real Estate Tech, integrating real estate and technology. In September 2014, we launched, as a pioneer, "OwnersBook," Japan's first crowdfunding service specializing in real estate. 


Our long-term vision is “to open up the real estate investment market to individuals.” Guided by this vision, we provide “OwnersBook,” a service that opens up the real estate investment market, traditionally dominated by institutional investors to individual investors. We hope individual investors enjoy the fruits of real estate investment, and we shall create a new market with you.


To achieve this long-term vision and to enhance our competitiveness in the Crowdfunding Business and other businesses of the Loadstar Group, we believe that increased utilization of technology is essential. To this end, we work to drive and strengthen our internal digital transformation (DX).

Based on our deep understanding of the real estate investment business, we are committed to contributing to the sound development of real estate investment market in Japan and creating a new market by leveraging technology in a variety of our businesses moving forward.


I appreciate your ongoing support in the years ahead.