Iwano |
We are aiming to enhance our corporate value by focusing on Corporate Funding Business, a core of our business, and at the same time expanding the scale of Asset Management and Crowdfunding Businesses. |
Iwano |
The strength of our group lies in the fusion of real estate investment expertise and IT. |
![]() Kawabata |
I think one of our strengths is that we have many professionals who have extensive practical experience in areas such as real estate, IT, and back-office. Having such specialists in each area, we can make decisions quickly, and when we discuss matters across the areas, we can have deeper discussions and communicate very smoothly because we share knowledge from our own areas of expertise. I am impressed by working with these professional members because they are detail oriented, they have a persistence for breakthrough, and they have ability to catch business opportunities. I think we are fortunate to work in an environment where our members with different expertise can motivate each other. |
Iwano |
I am glad to see junior members are also working very hard. |
![]() Kubo |
I think another unique feature of our company is that we have a lot of members who have joined our company through employee referrals. Speaking of our services, one of our strengths is that we continue offering “OwnersBook,” a crowdfunding service specializing in real estate. Since we handle money, we do not want to end up like "Ryuto Dabi,” – a strong beginning and weak ending- but rather, we want to increase our presence as time goes by and become a trusted player in the market. With this single-minded desire, we have been expanding our market while focusing on detailed explanations about our business to both borrowers and investors. |
Iwano |
I personally do not think new technologies are an absolute requirement for creating a new market. Instead, there is a world that can be created by combining existing services with IT that has already been used on a daily basis. Crowdfunding for investment can only exist in an era where IT has advanced and we are always connected to the Internet. In the past, when people were required to put their seal every time they signed a contract, no one would have ever thought of a service that is available for a large unspecified number of people. |
Iwano |
I wanted to democratize real estate investment. If individual investors can take part in the real estate investment market the same way as institutional investors, it will diversify their options for asset management, and furthermore, it will have a positive impact on the stabilization of the real estate industry. |
![]() Kubo |
The reason we can conduct strict screening process of projects and continue to provide them to individual investors is that we have a lot of experienced members in various fields. When we operate “OwnersBook,” I believe it is an advantage that we can leverage knowledge, experience, and networks of our members, who have extensive careers in the real estate finance industry, such as real estate investment funds, real estate brokerage firms, appraisal firms, and banks. |
![]() Kawabata |
I think because our company is publicly listed, we are now able to run our business with an even higher level of awareness of the internal structure and compliance systems. |
Iwano |
Also, I think the entire company's will to grow crowdfunding sustains the development of the business. |
![]() Kawabata |
When we look at the sales of “OwnersBook,” it is small, but it does have a great influence on society and business. |
![]() Kubo |
For the "OwnersBook" operation, we also make use of the real estate market information and the Group’s knowledge that we obtain from our daily activities in Corporate Funding and Asset Management Businesses. |
Iwano |
「開物成務 (KaibutsuSeimu)」 I would say “KaibutsuSeimu." Since our founding in 2012, I have been striving to create a company in which every member can fully demonstrate his or her own strengths. Particularly, with the launch of “OwnersBook,” we have been able to attract IT specialists to join our company. This has further strengthened our awareness of our “Mochi wa Mochiya” approach (“Better leave it to a specialist”). So, while we integrate real estate, finance, and IT together, we leave the hands-on work and how to proceed to those who are most knowledgeable in the area. To leave the work to an expert in each area, the company also needs to create an environment in which our members can achieve results efficiently. By eliminating obstacles (e.g., internal politics, etc.) that would hinder the members from demonstrating their genuine abilities, the company encourages their spontaneous proposals, challenges, and efforts that lead to their personal growth. I am delighted that as a result of such communication within the company, many of our members are enjoying working while making the most of their strengths. |
![]() Kubo |
「切磋琢磨 (SessaTakuma)」 I would choose "SessaTakuma.” There is a limit to the amount of work one person can do. Especially for the Sales Department, we work with many people including various external partners and colleagues, assistants, and back-office staff who all support us. We do not place value on individualistic achievement, but rather on teamwork so that our members work enthusiastically toward the company’s goal, collaborating and giving good influence on each other. |
![]() Kawabata |
「質実剛健(ShitsujitsuGoken)」 My words would be “ShitsujitsuGoken.” Like these words, I feel that most of our members are sincere and diligent. I feel that as the members, who have their own principles, continue to take responsibility for their own work, both individual members and the company itself continue to grow. As for IR and PR, we try to communicate with our stakeholders honestly about our group, in accordance with the fair disclosure rules. I also believe that our corporate culture that respects each member's character serves as a foundation that encourages a personal fulfillment of each member and leads to solid actions with substance. |
開物成務 (KaibutsuSeimu)

切磋琢磨 (SessaTakuma)
Challenge without fear of failure. Sincerely and honestly, we will continue to aim for growth.