Disclosure Policy

1. Basic Policy

When disclosing information, Loadstar Capital K.K. (hereinafter “the Company” or "we") complies with all applicable laws and regulations, and discloses information in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner to investors and other stakeholders in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules (hereinafter “the Rules”) stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

2. Disclosure Method

Information that applies to the Rules will be disclosed through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet).

Information that is not subject to the Rules or related laws and regulations, but deemed useful for better understanding of the Company, will be promptly disclosed through the Company's website or other means.

3. Quiet Period

To prevent leaks of financial results information and to ensure fairness, we have established a quiet period that begins on the day following the end of each financial quarter and ends on the day of the announcement of the financial results. During this period, we will not accept any interviews nor answer any questions related to financial results.


1. Use of IR information

The information presented on this website is intended to provide people with financial data, management indicators, etc. concerning Loadstar Capital K.K, yet we make no representations or warranties with respect to any of the content.

Furthermore, the information presented on this website is not intended to solicit investment.

We therefore ask that you base decisions on whether to invest on your own judgment.

2. Information presented

Although we exercise the utmost care when posting information on this website, we accept no liability whatsoever for any errors in the information presented or for damages etc. resulting from a third party tampering with, downloading, etc. the information.

3. Forward-looking statements

Some of the information presented on this website contains statements concerning future forecasts and projections. Such content does not constitute a guarantee of future performance, and carries with it risks and uncertainties. Please understand in advance that actual performance may differ greatly due to economic trends, market conditions, and changes in the environment.

4. Website administration

This website may be suspended or terminated and its content may be changed without notice.

You may also be unable to properly access the website due to issues with your network environment, issues with your computer, or other reasons. Please understand in advance that we accept no liability whatsoever for any problems, losses, or damages resulting from such factors.