Financial Results

Stock Information

Our Business

  • What type of business do you operate?

    We run our business in the real estate investment and the Fintech area.

    • In the real estate investment , we do (1) the Corporate Funding Business, in which we use our own funds to invest in and lease properties, (2) Asset Management Business, in which we operate investment properties on behalf of investors. 
    • In the Fintech, we offer OwnersBook, a Crowdfunding service specializing in real estate, as the Crowdfunding Business.

    For more information, please refer to Corporate Funding Business, Asset Management Business, and Crowdfunding Business.

  • What are your revenue streams?

    • In the Corporate Funding Business, revenues are generated from rent income during the period of our property ownership, and from sale revenues when properties are sold.
    • In the Asset Management Business, there are three revenue points: (1) when we receive mandates from property owners and institutional investors to manage properties, (2) while we are operating the properties on behalf of them, and (3) when we sell the properties.
    • In the Crowdfunding Business, for loan-type projects, revenues are generated when our funds are lent to borrowers. On the other hand, for equity-type projects, we have three revenue points, the same as in the Asset Management Business described above.
  • How do you see about the future of the real estate market?

    Please see our IR Library.

Corporate Information